Planet “If Only” (Redeemer)

In just a few hours we turn the calendar page to a new year. What!? How did that happen?

Like a lot of folks, I tend to feel reflective around this time each year. I often look back and wonder where the time has gone, questioning if I spent it wisely enough. This is usually a starting point for various New Year’s resolutions, which often don’t stick (though sometimes they do!).

And while looking back can definitely be empowering and enlightening on some level, it’s easy to view our life through the lens of regret, isn’t it? “If only” can be a real downer of a lens to focus through.

“If only I had handled that situation differently.” “If only I had taken advantage of that moment.” “If only I had said yes to that opportunity or no to that one.” “If only I hadn’t made that horrible decision.” “If only that accident hadn’t happen.” “If only I had seen that coming.” “If only I would’ve kept my mouth shut….or spoken up.” “If only that person hadn’t done that to me.”

I get trapped there - on “Planet If Only” - sometimes, and it is so not a fun place to be stranded. It is a bleak, helpless, hopeless place, often filled with shame or deep sorrow. Sure, it’s good to learn a lesson from the past, but to get stuck there or let it define us, condemn us, or overly impact our view of the future is a trap of the enemy. Certainly, it’s not a place Jesus wants us to hang out.

When Jesus physically walked among us, He encountered people all the time who had wildly messed up or were living with deep pain (isn’t that pretty much all of us to some extent?) - either self-inflicted or wounds caused by others. Jesus always showed compassion, but He didn’t seem to be one to wallow with others beyond what was helpful. He assessed the situation, then He invited each one to step into the future with Him (“Drop your nets and follow me!”), challenged their framework of thinking or behavior (“Go and sin no more!”), and waved them toward the freedom that awaited (“Rise and be healed!”). As our Redeemer, He knows how much beauty is in store.

Redeemer is such a beautiful word with such rich meaning. A redeemer repairs, restores, and avenges. A redeemer buys back, rescues, saves, and releases from debt. A redeemer changes something or someone for the better. Ultimately, Jesus came to redeem and pay a ransom we could never pay for ourselves. To redeem includes working beyond any realm in which we as humans wield any influence. And this work of redemption is threaded throughout all aspects of our lives and the life to come. It isn’t just a one time thing. Who knows exactly how He does it? But He invites us to trust that He does and will continue to do the impossible, renewing us day by day. (II Cor. 3:18) Oh, Lord, let it be.

I wrote a song called “Redeemer” for my new project ("Loved”), and it’s the last single to be released (today, December 31st)! It’s about standing in that place of shattered dreams, seemingly wasted time, trauma, and regret and trusting that God is somehow bringing order and beauty out of the ruins of our lives. Because God isn’t confined inside our time and space bubble, His redemptive artistry doesn’t look or feel linear; rather, it is layered, mysterious, and beautiful. It is happening all around us, even when we can’t readily identify it. Other times, it is right before our eyes. Either way, our job is simply to trust and surrender.

So today if your mind is swirling with “if only,” instead of re-circling all of those unchangeable moments yet again, and wishing things were different, let’s keep giving it all to Jesus, as many times as we need. Let’s welcome Him to speak His words of life and restoration into our brokenness, even when we don’t feel it or see it…yet. He has, is, and will continue to redeem it all! Now that’s a reason to celebrate and hop off Planet If Only. Can you hear Him calling now?

Happy New Year!

(To listen to or purchase my song “Redeemer,” you can find it here in my website store for download or as a physical CD. Or just search for it on your favorite streaming platform, and you’ll find it there too.)



A Song for my Son: “He Loves You More”